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Construction of section of expressway Okučani (Croatia) – state border B&H / 2nd Phase

Feb 21, 2022

On February 15, 2022 Integral inženjering began works on the construction of the section of the highway Okučani – B&H border / 2nd phase of the total length L = 4.07 km.

The beginning of the expressway is just before the “Novi Varoš” junction, while at its end, the cross-border bridge over the Sava River continues to it (1st Phase) which is to be completed soon.

In the initial phase of works, access roads to the construction site were constructed in the total length of l = 4.5 km, in order not to damage the existing local roads and to facilitate the regular activities of the population. These roads will be used to bring bulk material (about 1,000,000 m3) with an intensity of 60-100 trucks per day.

Scope of works:

  • construction of a section of expressway (two separate two-lane carriageways) in the total length L = 4.07 km;
  • construction of the bridge “Kanal nova Sava” L = 523.40 m – two separate bridge structures;
  • construction of the bridge “Rukavac Strug” L = 169.40 m – two separate bridge structures;
  • construction of the junction “Novi Varoš” – trumpet shape, with overpass L = 70.70 m;
  • construction of 3 road passages;
  • construction of the border crossing – construction works;
  • installation of traffic signals and equipment;
  • installation of lighting;
  • landscaping and noise protection.

Value of contracted works without VAT is 92,0 million BAM (47,7 m EUR).

With the total annual income in 2020 in the amount of 245.8 million BAM (125.6 million EUR), Integral Inženjering is the largest construction company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the leader in the region. In addition, with the total export revenue of 112.0 million BAM (57.2 million EUR) in 2020, the company is the largest exporter in the construction sector and the sixth largest exporter from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Among other works, Integral Inženjering currently executes:

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