On September 1, 2016 at the location of Zovi Do, Nevesinje Municipality, works commencement ceremony was held for Dabar HPP headrace tunnel construction.
Construction of headrace tunnel 12,125 m in length, shall provide water intake from Pošćenje accumulation to Dabar HPP. Headrace tunnel shall pass through two different geological areas. For the purpose of construction of the tunnel, two advance headings were built (Straževica tunnel, 830m long, and Vodostan tunnel, 295 m long).
The employer is MH “Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske“ – Matično preduzeće a.d. Trebinje, Zavisno preduzeće “Hidroelektrane na Trebišnjici“ a.d. Trebinje, (Mixed Holding “Power Utility of the Republic of Srpska“ – Parent Company p.l.c. Trebinje, Subsidiary Company “Hydroelectric Power Plants on the Trebišnjica River“ p.l.c. Trebinje), and value of the works is 67 mio EUR.
Mr Milorad Dodik, President of the Republic of Srpska, Mr Petar Đokić, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining in the Government of the Republic of Srpska, representatives of energy sector, representatives in the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, and numerous local residents attended the works commencement ceremony.