On March 22, 2021, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, visited the Timok area, during which, among other activities, he visited the works on the enhanced maintenance of the national road I B 35, section: Zaječar 5 – Knjaževac 1 (Trgovište), which are executed by the company “Integral iženjering” a.d. (JSC) Laktaši.
On this occasion, the President Vučić expressed his satisfaction with the works which aim at rehabilitation of the road and increased traffic safety, and he pointed out that the road was important for the Timok region, the entire east Serbia, but also for all citizens who come to Stara planina.
The Minister of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirović, also visited the works together with the President, the acting director of PE “Putevi Srbije” Zoran Drobnjak, and Mayor of Zaječar, Boško Ničić.
Status of works as of March 22, 2021:
The works that started on August 20, 2020 on the section of a total length of l=24.3 km are being executed successfully.
This was made possible by relatively favorable meteorological conditions during the winter season, and on the other hand, the good organization of work in the conditions of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and professional attitude of all workers and engaged business partners, to the prescribed health protection measures.
During the winter, works began on 9 of the 11 bridges. The works on half of the profile for 6 bridges are in the final phase, while the full profile girders have been placed for 3 bridges. These works will be continued in full intensity in the following period.
The works on the road alignment were interrupted during the winter period due to the need for its winter maintenance. However, from March 1, 2021, works on the alignment continued. A total of 3,800 m has been opened on five sections, where works on scraping the existing asphalt layer, excavation, construction of drainage, rainwater sewage in populated areas and the construction of a roundabout are in progress. In the following period, these works will be continued, with the opening of 2 more sections 4,200 m long. In this way, 8 km of works on the alignment will be opened, of which 3.4 km in full profile and 4.6 km in half profile.The works are supervised by Joint Venture “NIEVELT Labor/Ingenieur” GmbH (Austria), CVE and “Centralna putna laboratorija” (CPE) d.o.o. (LLC) (Serbia)”.