During 2022, the works on tunnel pipe excavation, construction of the secondary reinforced concrete lining and construction of the intake structure of tunnel were executed.
1) After the breakthrough of tunnel between the excavation points NM3 and NM4 was completed on July 26, 2020, the works on the excavation of tunnel between excavation points NM1, NM2 and NM5 were continued. During 2022, the excavation of the tunnel pipe with a total length of l=493.20 m was completed out of which: NM1 (l=231.60 m), NM2 (l = 241.60 m) and NM5 (l=20.00 m). In addition, an open tunnel excavation was performed from chainage at km 0+830 to station 0+930 in the length of l=100.00 m.
At this moment, the total continuously excavated length of the tunnel pipe is l=11,825.00 m, while l=300.00 m remains to be excavated.
2) During 2022, the secondary reinforced concrete lining in the total length of l=6,047.00 m was constructed. Two sets of metal hydraulic formwork were used for this work execution. Each formwork set of length of l=12.00 m is consisted of two parts: (1) formwork of the lattice girders.
During 2021 and 2022, the secondary tunnel lining in total length of l=8,047.00 m was constructed, and it remains to be constructed more l=4,078.00 m.
During the execution of works in this year, we will use three sets of metal hydraulic formwork.
3) During 2022, the concrete works were executed on the intake structure, namely: concreting of the part of overflow intake structure, concreting of the slab of intake structure at an elevation of h=834.60 m, concreting of the slab at an elevation of h=842.00 m, concreting of the sloping front wall, concreting the downstream wall, concreting the side walls, concreting the triangular walls on the wing walls of the intake structure.
The works on construction of embankment of the working plateau of intake structure, as well as the access has been started.Plan for 2023 is as follows:
- to continue and complete the excavation of remaining l=300.00 m of tunnel from chainage at km 0+508,5 to km 0+808,5;
- to continue the works on construction of remaining l=4,078.00 m of secondary lining;
- to start work on the grouting of concrete part of tunnel on the section from chainage at km 4+314 to km 12+114;
- to complete works on the intake structure, work platform and access road, and to install electrical and mechanical equipment.
Video: Proboj između napadnih mjesta NM3 i NM4