Investor: Public Company “Roads of Serbia” Belgrade
Contractor: Integral inženjering a.d. (PLC)
Contract number: RRSP/RRW-IA3SMRP/2019-06
Work value: 29,8 m BAM / 15,2 m EUR
About the project:
The project includes heavy maintenance (upgrading) of the state road IA3 (motorway) in total length of L=13,75 km (left cariageway) and L=13,10 km (right cariageway). Works on section with the biggest traffic load in the Republic of Serbia will be executed under the traffic, i.e. without total traffic stoppage.
The works include the following:
- preliminary works,
- works on road base and superstructure,
- rehabilitation works on structures (bridges),
- works on improvement of drainage system,
- works on road belt,
- works on placing of traffic signalization and equipment and
- works on public lightning.