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Intensive works on construction of motorway E75 (subsection Caričina Dolina –Manajle tunnel) in the Republic of Serbia

Nov 4, 2015

“Integral Inženjering“ plc., with its partners, has intensively executed the works in the Grdelica Canyon on one of the most demanding subsections of the motorway on Corridor X in the Republic of Serbia for 22 months.

The construction of six bridges with two separate structures for each motorway lane is in final stage:

  • Južna Morava 1 bridge;
  • Južna Morava 2 bridge;
  • Kučajska dolina bridge;
  • Sokolnica bridge;
  • Koznička reka bridge and
  • Seliški potok bridge.

The total length of abovementioned bridges is approximately 900 m, i.e. approximately 1800 m of motorway lanes which cross over the bridges.

At the same time, the earthworks (excavation and filling) are performed on the whole alignment of total length of 6.75 km and the permanent protection of slopes on cuts Mrtvica 1 and Mrtica 2 in length of 480 m is in progress.

In this way, the company ”Integral Inženjering“ plc. began the construction of its most important and the biggest project on very competitive market of the Republic of Serbia in the belief that the works will be successfully completed in planned time frame.

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