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Bridge over the Sava River near Gradiška: Steel structure is jointed

Oct 15, 2021

A number of high-ranking guests and a representative of interested parties the official ceremony of joining the steel structure of the bridge, which took place on October 15, 2021:

  • Vojin Mitrović, Minister of Communication and Transport in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovine;
  • Tomislav Mihotić, State secretary in the Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure in the Government of the Republic of Croatia;
  • Matej Zakonjšek, Director, Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community
  •  Stefan Elloro, Head, Sector for cooperation in the European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Josip Škorić, Chairman of the Board, Hrvatske ceste doo (LLC);
  • Dušan Topić, Director of PC The Republic of Srpska Mottorways;
  • Slobodan Stanković (general manager of Integral inženjering), Drago Čugura (chairman of the Board of Đuro Đaković Montaža) and Ivan Kramer (chairman of the Board of Zagreb montaža);
  • Representatives of the Engeener  JV “ „KREBS + KIEFER Eastern Europe GmbH and Institute IGH”
  • Media representatives.

In their addresses, high officials emphasized the importance of the construction of this bridge for regional traffic connections, and announced works on the construction of a connecting expressway from the bridge to Okučani (Croatia).

Work on the interstate bridge on the Sava near Gradiška has been going on for 24 months and they have entered the final phase. The works are being performed simultaneously on the right (Republika Srpska / Bosnia and Herzegovina) and on the left bank of the river (Croatia). The works, which are progressing in accordance with the planned dynamics, are performed by the Joint Venture (JV) „Integral Inženjering a.d., Đuro Đaković Montaža d.o.o. and Zagreb-Montaža d.o.o ”in which Integral inženjering is the leading party.

Integral Inženjering on the right bank of the river performs works on the installation of curbs, construction of tampons, construction of embankment on pillar S3, humus, construction of open concrete channels, installation of DTK cables and electrical installations. In the next period, it is planned to make cement stabilization and a bearing layer of asphalt on the access road.

At the same time, on the left bank of the river, Integral Inženjering is making concrete banners and a bank fortification on pillar S2. In the following period, it is planned to build an embankment around the U1 abutment.

All segments of the steel structure (29 segments with a total weight of 4798 t) were lifted and welded. The steel structure is brought to the projected elevation, i.e. bearings are installed on pillars S2 and S3 and on abutments U1 and U2. Anti-corrosion protection is made inside the bridge. In the following period, it is planned to make the internal drainage on the bridge and to make the waterproofing of the road construction.

At the beginning of next year, asphalting works and equipping the road will begin.

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