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Bridge over Trebišnjica in Trebinje: Intensive works

Nov 4, 2022

Intensive works are underway on the construction of the bridge over the Trebišnjica River, which will be the largest structure on the future eastern ring road around Trebinje and also the largest bridge in the city.

We remind you that the total length of the bridge is L=484.00 m, with 13 spans of length 26.00 m + 4×36.00 m + 2×54.00 m + 5×36.00 m + 26.00 m. The span construction of the box section will be performed using scaffolding technology.

So far it has been constructed:

  • all basic rates from axis 1 to axis 14, that is, 14 basic rates;
  • 2 abutments in axes 1 and 14;
  • 12 column bodies from axis 2 to axis 13;
  • column heads in axes 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13;
  • the first step of the span construction in the length of 34.00 m.

Currently, work is being carried out on the second stage of the 36.00 m long span structure, namely the installation of the reinforcement of the bottom plate and the box walls, as well as the construction of the load-bearing scaffolding for the third stage of the 36.00 m long span structure.

In the following period, 3 more column heads in axes 6, 7, and 9 will be constructed, as well as the remaining part of the span structure of the bridge – bars 3 – 13.

More About the Project…


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