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Reconstruction of exiting and construction of new railway track on Section Dugo Selo – Križevci (Croatia)

Apr 7, 2020

Employer: HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. (LLC), Zagreb, The Republic of Croatia
The work value of Integral inženjering a.d. (PLC): 88,9 million BAM or  45,5 m EUR
Engineer: JV between the companies SGS Adriatica d.o.o. (LLC) and Investinženjering d.o.o. (LLC) (The Republic of Croatia)
Contractor: JV between the companies DIV d.o.o. (LLC), Dalekovod d.d. and Zagreb-montaža d.o.o. (LLC) (The Republic of Croatia)

Basic Project Data:

The Project includes the reconstruction of existing and construction of new railway track on section Dugo Selo – Križevci in the total length of l=36.38 km.

This is a part of large project of establishing of modern double-track railway on the Mediterranean Corridor of the unique Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) (Transport Corridor RH2). After work completion, there will be possible to achieve the nominal design speed of 160 km/h on the whole railway section.

Due to the work delays, the Contractor terminated the Contract with previous Subcontractor and concluded the Contract with Integral inženjering a.d. (PLC).

Scope of works:

Integral inženjering a.d. (PLC) executes works on the construction of railway substructure, construction of railway structures (13 bridges, 7 underpasses and 81 culverts), construction of grade-separated railway crossing with roads (11 overpasses and 1 underpass), construction of service roads and reconstruction of Ivana Gorana Kovačića Street.

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