The President of the Republic of Srpska, Mr. Milorad Dodik, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, officially opened the Banja Luka – Doboj motorway; section Prnjavor – Doboj in length of 36.6 km on September 11, 2016. A large number of dignitaries, interested businessmen and citizens attended the opening ceremony. The companies “Integral Inženjering” plc. and “Granit” plc. (Skoplje) jointly performed the design and construction of this motorway. The Contractor engaged approximately 1500 workers and over 300 business entities in this project.
The design and construction of first section of future Banja Luka – Doboj motorway were officially finished by the opening ceremony. The works on second section of abovementioned motorway are executed due to planned schedule and its putting into operation can be expected in the second half of 2017.
The section between Prnjavor and Doboj already has a large transportation, development and economic importance for the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as for wider region and it will have a full potential after connection to the Gradiška – Banja Luka (E 661) motorway and the future motorway on Corridor 5c.
The company “Integral Inženjering“ plc. invested the extraordinary professional, technical and material efforts and it successfully executed the complex design and construction of road structure including structure construction and technical subsystems. The various advanced technology solutions are implemented by modern machinery during the work execution.
Besides the abovementioned, 2 large bridges and 3 large viaducts were construted, 2.5 million m2 of asphalt was placed, 4 million m3 of material was excavated, while 3.5 million m3 of material was filled at the same time…
INVESTITOR: Javno preduzeće ”Autoputevi Republike Srpske”
PREDMET UGOVORA: Projektovanje i građenje autoputa Banja Luka – Doboj, dionica Prnjavor – Doboj (km 35+300 to km 71+912.51)
TIP UGOVORA: FIDIC, žuta knjiga
VRIJEDNOST PROJEKTA: 351,9 miliona KM (180 m €)
FINANSIRANJE: Evopska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD)
NADZOR NAD PROJEKTOM: JV „IRD Engineering“ (Italija) i „Eptisa“ (Španija)