Integral engineering, on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, started construction works on the third phase of the expressway Okučani (Croatia) – border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, after building the interstate bridge over the Sava River (Phase 1, 2022) and after entering in the last phase of the construction works on the route of this expressway section: “Novi Varoš” interchange – the bridge on the Sava (Phase 2). Phase 3, with a total length of 3.7 km, starts at the existing toll booths near Okučani and ends before the “Novi Varoš” interchange.
Since it is a very early phase of the Project, the works are characteristic for this period. Intensive work is being done to remove bushes, trees, stumps and other vegetation. Earthworks began on the cleared areas. Excavation of humus and replacement of the layer of weakly load-bearing foundation soil with better material is carried out. At the construction site, several methods are used to improve the characteristics, i.e. the load capacity of the soil, such as arranging the foundation soil by mechanical compaction, replacing weak material with a better one, arranging the foundation soil bed with geotextile, and the construction of gravel piles under the embankment. A set for drilling reinforced concrete piles and reinforcement baskets for reinforced concrete piles on the “Voloder” overpass are delivered to the construction site.